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Peoples Progressive Party

Uplifting....    Visionary....    To Renew Nigeria's Purpose!


The Peoples' Party!
Confronting Corruption! Rebuilding Nigeria!

Motto: Truth, Freedom & Progress


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Welcome to the website of Peoples Progressive Party

Communiqué of PPP National Executive Council, 26 July 2018    |    July 2018 Chairman's Address



Member, African Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People

Click here for Information about the Committee


Voice of the Voiceless
The Poor and Disenfranchised
The marginalized - Women, Children and Youths
The forgotten - Nigeria's Elder Citizens and the Disabled


WE ARE A PEOPLES' PARTY; focused on the single purpose of lifting up the poor and oppressed Nigerian on the forgotten streets and villages across our country; Those left to rot and die by the “political lords” of our time, an uncaring government who see the people as nuisance, rather than RESOURCES.


We offer PPP as a large tent for our countrymen and women who share our belief that government has grown too corrupt, has become too callous and has done very little. We accept into our Great Movement, Nigerians of every creed: Those who share our FEDERALIST PHILOSOPHY, PEOPLES FIRST SOCIALIST IDEOLOGY, and our COMMITMENT TO SACRIFICE FOR OUR COUNTRY.

PPP was formed at a remarkable time, a turning point and a crossroad in the life of our country. Our failed economy gives Nigeria a unique chance to confront persistent challenges and the many constitutional and structural defects in the federation. Our country, after many decades of purposeless drift, must now set itself to the important tasks and higher goals of facing painful truths; to correct constitutional and structural imbalances in the federation; to remove State erected barriers against self reliance and economic emancipation; to replace a welfare economy with a workfare economy; without which economic growth will continue to elude us as a people and as a nation.

Peoples Progressive Party has the vision and leadership to address these issues. Our platform is uplifting and visionary. It reflects the views of countless Nigerians across this country, who believe in prosperity with a purpose, wealth driven by enterprise, and in Renewing Nigeria’s Purpose.

This platform makes clear that we are the party of ideas. We are the party that follows its bold words with bold deeds. A party you can believe.

PPP has a special calling:
To advance the principles of freedom
Decentralize governance
Ensure the dignity and worth of every individual

These principles form the foundation of our agenda for Nigeria in this decade and beyond!

We need your support to pursue this laudable goal to rescue our country from corruption, elect patriotic citizens and fix Government.

Make your donation today, click below!

Recommended Links:

African Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People 


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